water front Hastings MN

Public Arts Task Force Seeks Citizen Feedback on Art

Press Release:

The Public Arts Task Force formed by the City of Hastings has received multiple proposals for their call for public art, and is now seeking public response to the pieces that are under consideration. A survey has been created on the City’s website; members of the public can review a variety of photos, drawings, and written descriptions provided by the artists vying for the grant money. Space for open comments has been provided. This public feedback will help advise the Task Force as they make their final decision.
The survey can be found at www.hastingsmn.gov/2016publicartsurvey and will be open through Sunday, March 13.

Up to $10,000 will be awarded to one or more of the artists, who will provide a permanent work of art for installation at the newly renovated Levee Park. Three potential locations for artwork have been identified, including two large planters located at the southern entrance to the Rotary Pavilion. The third location is a drop-off and seating area in the Levee Park parking lot. The Task Force may choose one or more of the pieces for installation in 2016.

2016 Public Art Survey