hands writing

HPAAC Writers Group

writer's groupFacilitated by Diane Saed, the Hastings Prescott Area Arts Council’s (HPAAC) writers’ group meets monthly, 1st Tuesdays, 6:30-8:15 at the LeDuc Historic Estate. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 6th.

Check HPAAC/Literary arts for additional information.

You need not be an experienced writer or a professional to attend.  All are welcome.

Writers are encouraged to bring reading suggestions, share their writing, and discuss the issues or joys they have encountered while writing. Each class is structured into three segments:

  • Sharing of what participants have read and recommend
  • Writing from a prompt provided by Diane
  • Sharing what they have written (only if participants wish to do so)
  • Visiting authors are frequently invited to share their viewpoints on writing, editing, publishing etc.