HEDRA Meeting – ArtSpace Decisions

Hastings Economic Development and Redevelopment Authority (HEDRA) will meet Thursday 19 March at 6:30pm in the City Council Chambers at Hastings City Hall, 101 East 4th Street. 

hastings city hallThis committee will be making some final decisions about the proposed ArtSpace building. HPAAC members are requested to attend the meeting and show your support!

Background information (excerpt from previous post):

“I’m sure that you’ve heard the great news that the City of Hastings is talking very seriously about working with Artspace to create a brand new building on the parking lot near the river and train tracks downtown. Dakota County has come up with some funds that will help make it all possible. It’s not yet final but so close.

Artspace has said that it would again like as many as possible of HPAAC members to come and attend while they work together with the City to make this real. The public support we’ve provided is a key element of success. It is like a dream come true for this project to come to fruition. Let’s keep supporting this work so we can celebrate when it is all done in a year or two.”

Hastings City Council Memorandum